Adult Skills Training Clinic
2022-09-22 18:55:31
Adult Skills Training Clinic 成人技巧訓練課程
Tap back into the fundamentals of basketball. This group class includes ball handling, shooting skills, shooting drills, one-on-one offense, one-on-one defense, passing skills, and post-up footwork.
Learn from the Pro
Head coach: Reggie Okosa
- Former CBA league rebounding champion, played for Shanghai, Qingdao and more
- The King Of Underdogs Legend Player
- Date: October 10th, Monday 8:30pm – 10:30pm (2hrs)
- Venue: GOAT Lab, Tsim Sha Tsui
- Seat: 10
- Fee: Free
Learn from the Pro 向專業學習
主教練:Reggie Okosa
- 前 CBA 聯賽籃板王,曾效力於上海、青島等多支球隊
- 路人王傳奇,外號『大魔王』
- 日期:10月10日, 星期一晚上 8:30pm – 10:30pm (2小時)
- 地點:尖沙咀GOAT Lab
- 名額:10
- 費用:免費